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Terrace Gardening Calendar for India
Amazing Amaryllis Red Doubles and Amaryllis Mixed flower bulbs available. All bulbs are large and prime quality.
Captivating Gladioli bulbs, Amazing Amaryllis Red Doubles
Also available a wide variety of flower bulbs like Gladioli, Ixia, Ornithogalum, Nerine, Eucharis, Lycoris, Gloriosa, Zephyranthes, and Lots More can be planted now for beautiful, fragrant and colorful blooms.
Also do read our Free Gardening Newsletter on what and how to Plant this season including flowers from seeds.
Hope you had started growing the seeds of Basil, Chives, Thyme and Oregano and Cherry Tomatoes of the nightshade family. Now is the time for these young plants to thrive just now before the peak winter season.
Also Okra, Radish, Chinese Cabbage, Capsicum (Sweet Peppers in all colors like Purple, Orange, Green, Yellow and Red),Cauliflower, Broccoli, Lettuce and Tomatoes of all kinds including Sweet large, Cherry, Pears and Yellow. These plants can be started indoors ahead of winter season.
All kinds of Gourds and Beans can also now be sown from seeds. In case you need seeds for these veggies and other herbs and vegetables like celery, leeks, please write to us at
Here are the 8 basic steps to grow your own tomatoes, that are luscious red n ripe, from seeds in your very own terrace garden:
1. Start the seeds in a commercially available sterile seed starting mix or prepare your own using good soil, sand and peat moss in equal amounts.
2. Moisten the seed starting mix with warm water thoroughly but not soggy.
3. Fill a small container with the moist soil mix and plant tomato seeds 2-3 mm deep. Tamp lightly to cover completely and lightly spray a little water until seeds germinate.
4. Tomato seeds placed in moist, warm location away from direct sunlight will germinate in 5-10 days. Ensure temperatures are not above 35 degrees Celsius.
5. Once seedlings emerge, place in strong daylight but still away from direct sun. Keep the soil moist by watering when soil feels dry to the touch.
6. After the seedlings develop 2 sets of true leaves, transplant into your large containers. Set plants a little deep into the soil so that they grow strong.
7. Gradually introduce the tomato plants to direct sunlight. Tomato plants require lots of sunlight to grow.
8. With proper care you should see the fruits of your labor in the form of tomatoes in 8 weeks or so.
Lettuce and Spinach are also a crop you would enjoy organic from your own garden. This can be easily grown in large containers as well.
If you like to know more about growing various vegetables and herbs and flowers then go ahead plant them from seed. You can get almost any seed variety you desire by simply writing in to us. To get a glimpse of some of the seeds we offer Check out our section on Vegetable Gardening to see how you can get your own seeds. .
Read our “Ask our expert” section of our website to get started with growing Coriander or Dhania. Just borrow some whole seeds from your kitchen. Crush lightly and use as starter seeds! Sprinkle the seeds and thin them out a bit as they are growing to ensure a robust crop.
While this Terrace Gardening Calendar is indicative in nature we request you to keep in mind your local growing conditions and don't forget to let us know what else you would like to get covered in our next month's Gardening Calendar and of course your questions are most welcome at
Happy Terrace Gardening and Harvesting!
To know more about terrace gardening and tips on how to grow your own vegetables in your balcony using organic methods register for our free newsletter by writing to us at
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